Under the Management Services umbrella, dpM Partners offers two types of services. The first service, Asset Management, provides oversight for your property which is managed by an outside company under contract. In this capacity, dpM Partners acts as an owner’s representative and provides review and recommendations involving property management, branding recommendations, capital improvements, operations, marketing, budgeting, and other key property issues. We asset manage both branded and independent hotels under this scenario.
dpM Partners is the property manager under our second type of service, Operational Management, and is, therefore, involved in all aspects of day-to-day operations and decisions as well as the areas mentioned above. More than an oversight role, we actually hire and train staff, prepare financial statements and budgets, develop and implement pricing strategies, and perform all other tasks of running the property on a daily basis. Examples of properties operationally managed by dpM Partners are Sea Ranch Resort in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and Hotel Madison & Shenandoah Valley Conference Center in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
The services provided under each of these scenarios are further detailed on their respective pages.